
Human Needs to Work

Minggu lalu, orang media sosial lagi rame tentang perempuan harus kerja karena laki ga ngerti bedanya lipstik 50ribu dan 500ribu. Ada lagi yang bales, laki harus kerja karena penampilan pasangannya adalah lambang kesuksesan suami. Whatever, but this is my opinion.

I trust that woman has to work. Why? Let's see.
First of all, human has its own basic needs. Di Indonesia sendiri, kebutuhan primer terdiri dari pangan, sandang, papan (makanan, pakaian, rumah). If you can't get it by yourself, who would get it for you? Your spouse? Ok, I agree with that. But you have to be aware that not everyone decided to build a life with a significant other. Jadi, apa yang harus dilakukan? Ya kerja. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan diri sendiri. At least, untuk tidak merepotkan dan tidak bergantung pada orang lain. However, this opinion is NOT only for woman, but for man as well.

Secondly, after the fulfilling of primary needs, human has secondary needs. Let's easily call it tertiary needs. Handphone model baru, koneksi internet (or is it primary needs?!), new garment and tenderloin steak every month? Singkatnya, sebagai manusia kita pasti butuh hiburan. Apapun hiburan yang kita mau, we can't deny that we need the money. And those who said that money can't buy happiness is shitting themselves. Well yeah, there are things that money can't buy such as time, friends, family, love, etc, etc, but what would we do if we don't have the money to spend it with the love ones? And this, also not only for woman, but for man as well.

The third reason is that I believe we are not working only for the money. Dari kerja, banyak sekali, I repeat, banyak sekali keuntungan yang bisa kita dapatkan. Networking, new colleagues for instance. They will not only help you in your workplace, but also help you find new perspective in life. Coba deh, luangkan waktu ngobrol dengan kolega, klien, atau mas-mbak cleaning service. And don't forget to LISTEN. They might have something interesting to say that can help us learn. Misalkan dengerin kisah sukses atasan. Hilangkan jauh-jauh dulu pikiran iri, dengki, dan menganggap kalo somebody's success story is only to show off. Well, this can motivate you if you take it the right way!

And the last reason I can think of is that working can help you develop yourself. Dunia ini akan selalu berkembang, termasuk dunia kerja. Dulu mah orang kerja ga perlu pake laptop, nulis di notebook, udah. Bikin tabel pembukuan pake kertas folio, udah. Sekarang? Everything goes digital. Kalo kita ga mau belajar, kita ga bakalan bisa maju. Kita cuma akan jalan di tempat ngelihatin orang-orang yang makin kesini makin jago dengan keterampilan dan skill yang beda-beda.

So, do every woman has to work? Definitely YES! But so does man.
Tapi jangan terkungkung bahwa bekerja harus menjadi pegawai di perusahaan. Jaman sekarang sih udah banyak banget yang bisa kita lakuin. Udah sering kan dengar "Kerjalah sesuai hobi / passion-mu, maka kamu ga akan merasa kerja seharipun" or something like that. Kalo kamu hobi masak, so be it, be a cook! Sekolah masak yang benar dan mahal (kalo punya dana). Kalo nggak, buka google, cari video cooking tutorial, coba-coba resep di internet. Kalo kamu hobi nulis, so be it, be a writer! Or blogger! Or buzzer! Kalo kamu hobi bisnis, so be it, jadilah wirausaha! Jualan baju kek, jilbab kek, brownies kek. Kalo kamu hobi ngurus rumah, so be it, buka jasa bersihin rumah! Ga tau mau kerja apa? Bingung passion atau hobi kamu apa? Googling coba, siapa tahu nemu pekerjaan yang seru, asik, dan menghasilkan.

Yang penting adalah, pintar-pintar cari informasi dan kesempatan. Baca banyak buku! Use the Internet wisely! Cari info lowongan pekerjaan! Anything, that keeps you WORK.

In conclusion, do I think woman has to work? YES. But so does man. Or any gender or role you play. HUMAN needs to work. Or else, you might as well be dead. Sorry to say, but that's what I think.

Don't give up, folks!
With love, Kamelia Widyati

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