
Human Needs to Work

Minggu lalu, orang media sosial lagi rame tentang perempuan harus kerja karena laki ga ngerti bedanya lipstik 50ribu dan 500ribu. Ada lagi yang bales, laki harus kerja karena penampilan pasangannya adalah lambang kesuksesan suami. Whatever, but this is my opinion.

I trust that woman has to work. Why? Let's see.
First of all, human has its own basic needs. Di Indonesia sendiri, kebutuhan primer terdiri dari pangan, sandang, papan (makanan, pakaian, rumah). If you can't get it by yourself, who would get it for you? Your spouse? Ok, I agree with that. But you have to be aware that not everyone decided to build a life with a significant other. Jadi, apa yang harus dilakukan? Ya kerja. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan diri sendiri. At least, untuk tidak merepotkan dan tidak bergantung pada orang lain. However, this opinion is NOT only for woman, but for man as well.

Secondly, after the fulfilling of primary needs, human has secondary needs. Let's easily call it tertiary needs. Handphone model baru, koneksi internet (or is it primary needs?!), new garment and tenderloin steak every month? Singkatnya, sebagai manusia kita pasti butuh hiburan. Apapun hiburan yang kita mau, we can't deny that we need the money. And those who said that money can't buy happiness is shitting themselves. Well yeah, there are things that money can't buy such as time, friends, family, love, etc, etc, but what would we do if we don't have the money to spend it with the love ones? And this, also not only for woman, but for man as well.

The third reason is that I believe we are not working only for the money. Dari kerja, banyak sekali, I repeat, banyak sekali keuntungan yang bisa kita dapatkan. Networking, new colleagues for instance. They will not only help you in your workplace, but also help you find new perspective in life. Coba deh, luangkan waktu ngobrol dengan kolega, klien, atau mas-mbak cleaning service. And don't forget to LISTEN. They might have something interesting to say that can help us learn. Misalkan dengerin kisah sukses atasan. Hilangkan jauh-jauh dulu pikiran iri, dengki, dan menganggap kalo somebody's success story is only to show off. Well, this can motivate you if you take it the right way!

And the last reason I can think of is that working can help you develop yourself. Dunia ini akan selalu berkembang, termasuk dunia kerja. Dulu mah orang kerja ga perlu pake laptop, nulis di notebook, udah. Bikin tabel pembukuan pake kertas folio, udah. Sekarang? Everything goes digital. Kalo kita ga mau belajar, kita ga bakalan bisa maju. Kita cuma akan jalan di tempat ngelihatin orang-orang yang makin kesini makin jago dengan keterampilan dan skill yang beda-beda.

So, do every woman has to work? Definitely YES! But so does man.
Tapi jangan terkungkung bahwa bekerja harus menjadi pegawai di perusahaan. Jaman sekarang sih udah banyak banget yang bisa kita lakuin. Udah sering kan dengar "Kerjalah sesuai hobi / passion-mu, maka kamu ga akan merasa kerja seharipun" or something like that. Kalo kamu hobi masak, so be it, be a cook! Sekolah masak yang benar dan mahal (kalo punya dana). Kalo nggak, buka google, cari video cooking tutorial, coba-coba resep di internet. Kalo kamu hobi nulis, so be it, be a writer! Or blogger! Or buzzer! Kalo kamu hobi bisnis, so be it, jadilah wirausaha! Jualan baju kek, jilbab kek, brownies kek. Kalo kamu hobi ngurus rumah, so be it, buka jasa bersihin rumah! Ga tau mau kerja apa? Bingung passion atau hobi kamu apa? Googling coba, siapa tahu nemu pekerjaan yang seru, asik, dan menghasilkan.

Yang penting adalah, pintar-pintar cari informasi dan kesempatan. Baca banyak buku! Use the Internet wisely! Cari info lowongan pekerjaan! Anything, that keeps you WORK.

In conclusion, do I think woman has to work? YES. But so does man. Or any gender or role you play. HUMAN needs to work. Or else, you might as well be dead. Sorry to say, but that's what I think.

Don't give up, folks!
With love, Kamelia Widyati


Ojo Dumeh

Tidak bisa dipungkiri memang bahwa manusia selalu tidak pernah puas. Ingin ini, ingin itu. Punya ini, punya itu. Masih kurang. Mau lebih. Lebih bagus dari ini, lebih banyak dari dia.
Namun sebagai manusia yang tidak hidup sendiri, hendaknya kita sadar bahwa kita memiliki dua pilihan. Untuk melihat ke bawah agar kita merasa 'cukup', atau melihat ke atas agar kita merasa 'kurang'. Merasa cukup dengan apa yang telah kita lalui, capai, dan miliki. Dan sebaliknya, merasa kurang dengan apa yang belum kita lalui, capai, dan miliki.

Sejatinya hidup itu bukan hanya tentang diri kita sendiri. Percayalah bahwa dunia itu adil. Ketika kamu cukup, bantulah mereka yang tidak. Ketika kamu kurang, sadarlah bahwa bukan hanya kamu yang harus diurus.


Growing Up Is Easy

I vividly remember, when I was a child, I hope I can grow up quickly. I hoped when I was reaching my twenties, I will have figured out what I do, a career, a love-life, simply a future. Now I'm in my early twenties, and I realize, everything is not that easy. They said being old is mandatory while growing up is a choice. Well, if I could choose, I think I'd still want to grow up.

The thing is, we thought that people younger than us are whiny and peevish. They complain a lot. About how they needed more time to work on their school project. About how they were sad ending a relationship with their partner. About how they could not solve problems we, older generation, think is easy to be solved.
If only we realize that we think it is stupid because we've been there, done those things the younger generations are currently experiencing. We think their problems are nothing compared to ours because we have passed it. We have passed the time when we were 6, trying to read fluently and write neatly. We have passed the time when we were in third grade, trying to solve a multiplication and division in maths. We have passed the time when we were in our 12 facing new friends in junior high school, competing with each other who's become the coolest, the prettiest, the most famous. We have passed the time when we were in our 17, trying to reach our dreams to become a band member, or a school president, or a doctor. After high school, not many of us understand what to become, what to do. To work or to pursue higher education. To stay single and be free or to be in a relationship and committed. Did you know what you want to do when you were 17?

I did. I totally did. I thought I'm going to study psychology, learning about the mystery of human behavior and their personality. I thought I'm going to have a boyfriend who has the same interest as mine, watching movies and football match once in a week, meet up every Saturday night having a proper dinner. I thought after twenty, I would figure them out. I would figure them all out. I didn't.

Now I'm just getting older and older, trying to take any opportunities I have. Applying for a scholarship to study abroad? I've tried, I've failed. Applying to have a job in a magazine? I've tried, I've failed.

I'm now facing it all. The fear of being alone and miserable forever. The fear of not being successful. The fear of disappointing people we love most.

But growing up had me realize that, I am now facing my phase. This is the part people older than me had experienced. This is the part of growing up I have to encounter in order to be succeeded in the future. This is the part that I am going to pass and be grateful for it because I will have been surviving this position. This is the part that I am going to say "I've been there, done that. Nothing to worry about, because everyone and everything has its own time and place." to people younger than me when they're experiencing it.

Growing up is scary. It may seem hard at times. But when we realize what we've achieved, we will be thankful and saying that growing up is easy. You just have to have faith and keep working hard.


My Favourite Music Of All Time (Part 1)

For I don't know how long, whenever I have a blog, I always try to create this list and it's remained unfinished. Now I will try to make a new one. I am not a music expert and I don't listen to a wide range of music genre, so this list might have a very subjective taste. Please notice these two things: 1) This list can go on and on, because I will keep listening to music so if there's any new cool music I will put it here; 2) This list is not by order, so the first is not the best and the last is not the worst. It is only based on what song I could remember.

Clean Bandit - Rather Be (Feat. Jess Glynne)
I discovered this song from radio at first. I've always loved electronic songs, but this one really caught my ears. After did some search on youtube and listened to all of their songs, then I started to fall in love with this band and hopefully I can watch their concert someday. I could only sing "No no no no no, no place I'd rather be" aaaaall over again till I sang this song on karaoke and it has this catchy lyrics:
"But as long as you are with me, there's no place I'd rather be / I would wait forever, exalted in the scene / As long as I am with you, my heart continues to beat"
John Legend - Ordinary People
The song that made me fell in love with John Legend. With his subtle piano play, his gentle voice, and his heartfelt voice, basically all of John Legend's ballads are VERY good. I used to love All Of Me so much till it got overplayed and I got bored of it. Everybody Knows is always SO good but you can't forget what you've fallen in love with.

"Maybe we'll live and learn / Maybe we'll crash and burn / Maybe you'll stay, maybe you'll leave, maybe you'll return / Maybe another fight / Maybe we won't survive / But maybe we'll grow / We never know baby you and I / We're just ordinary people / We don't know which way to go"
Alicia Keys - If I Ain't Got You
I mean, who doesn't love this song?! At least, who haven't heard this song?! I'm sure everybody is familiar with this song. One of Alicia Keys' best. Played on the radio for however many times, sang in a cafe by however many bands, If I Ain't Got You. This song can give you two perspective, a fall in love song, or a heartbreak song. This one is romantic, yet agonizing song. I can't choose any lyrics from this song, because all words in this song is perfect.

Well, I decided to divide this post into some parts because I don't think I can finish it any soon in one attempt. Soooo, catch ya later!


To the Old Self

When you're older and being a parent, please remember, that you are not always right.
Well, yes you have more years experiencing the world than the younger, but it doesn't mean that you are always right. You might be wiser, but not always. You might give good advice, but no one doesn't have to listen to you. Let you be a good observer. Understand what others don't. See what others don't. You might know the secrets of the universe, the life hack, but you are allowed to remain silent, because not everything you know is relevant in every situation.

When you're older and being a parent, please remember, that you set an example.
Not only for your children, but also for your family. You will be an example to your daughter, you need to be strong, patient, caring, and stable. You can't let your emotions cloud your judgement. You will be an example to your son, you need to be kind, loving, smart, and confident. You have to show your son what qualities he needs to find when he is looking for a mother for his children. You have to take your personal matters aside to take care of other important things in your family

When you're older and being a parent, please remember, that you still need a lot to learn.
The world is always changing. What you used to believe, might change. What you used to perceive, might be mistaken. Your children might be smarter than you. Your spouse might be wiser than you. Others might be better than you. Just. Keep. Learning. You ARE still the change you want to see in the world.

When you're older and being a parent, please remember, that you can not be selfish.
This is a cruel, finicky, ruthless world. Everyone can be selfish. But you can't. You have your family to be taken care of. You need resources, a lot of them. But you have to do things the right way. Don't use others for your own entertainment. Don't outshine others for your own spotlight. Everything has its own place and time. You have to believe that.


To Travel Is Endearing, To Go Home is a Bliss

There's nothing wrong being unadventurous.
That's what I thought.
Until I understand that the earth is too big to be ignored.

Places, foods, people, everything the world offers me.
It never ceases to amaze me.
You've gone to beaches. But every beach isn't the same.
You've eaten sushi. But every chef offers different tastes.
You've met people. But everyone has their own stories.

Nothing in this world is monotonous.
Monotonous is for boring people.
And I'm not planning to be a boring person.

This is the way to live.
To travel.
Not the furthest. But the deepest.
Not only the dearest. But also experience the cheapest.

If you're scared, try.
If you're uncertain, try.
If you're nervous, try.
The world is full of surprises.
It might leave you exhausted.
But it will teach you lessons.
And provide you stories worth telling in the future.
And sometimes, it will make you cry.

At last, don't forget to find a home.
A place you can always come back to.
A place where you can be alone and most loved at the same time.
A place that let you rest from this big, draining, and unexpected world.
And never, ever, forget to go home.

For traveling is endearing.
But going home is a bliss at the very best.


Hello World.

Hi, this is my first post. In this blog.
I've been blogging before, in another blog address, but I am setting the old one to private because there are so many embarrassing posts from the past that I am not proud of showing to the world of elegance and maturity I am trying to live in.
Of course I'm kidding.
I'm never ready to enter the world of elegance and maturity but I AM trying to be elegant and mature and not being weird but here I am. Babbling and babbling.
In short, I just want to make a pretty blog with bows and flowers and cotton candies because I want to be a fashion blogger. Or writer. Or simply sharing the thoughts in my frickin head because I think A LOT and I wouldn't be able to keep up if I keep it there.
Hope you don't mind reading it.

xxx (Looks cool, right? Or I should change it to XOXO?)